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  • Writer's pictureCatholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary - Qatar


We have all likely heard the expression, “You are who you hang with.” This reminds us that people with whom we spend time have a tendency to “rub off” on us: their mindsets, their opinions, as well as their actions. Some may argue that we can affect others in a positive way, as well, through our sharing of the Good News. This is also true. However, it takes the grace of God to be able to take a stand for what is good and right in the face of strong adversity. The person who does not know what s/he stands for may fall for anything. It is important to be aware of the risk we take when we surround ourselves with people who are rooted in the world. It’s important to remember that the Devil looks for any opportunity to lure us away from the one true relationship that can save us: Our friendship with Jesus Christ.

The Good News is that Jesus is a true and faithful friend. In fact, He is more than a friend to us: He is family, He is our brother. In order for this relationship to flourish and grow, there must be a demonstrated commitment from both sides. Gratefully, Jesus’ faithfulness to us is confirmed. He demonstrated His perfect love for us when He died on the cross for our sins. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”(Jn 15:13) The issue, then, lies with us. What kind of friend are we to Him in return? How often do we spend time with Him, just talking? How convinced are we about His willingness to go the extra mile to help us? How many times have we let Him down through our actions? As Christians, we are truly blessed that Jesus is perfectly faithful and forgiving. No matter how many times we forsake our bond with Him, he remains with open arms to welcome us back to Him. That’s something we can count on, but it should not be something we take for granted either.

Challenge: Take a moment to consider the quality of the people with whom you currently surround yourself. Reflect on whether they are working to bring you closer to salvation or pulling you in the opposite direction. Now consider what you can do to improve your relationship with Jesus, because He is enough.

Peace be with you in the week ahead!

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