Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary - Qatar
Updated: Aug 6, 2020
Explosion in Beirut. It may seem like news from past wars but, unfortunately, we are talking about a tragedy that happened this week in Lebanon. I am distressed when I repeatedly hear Christians and Non-Christians saying, "Where is God in the midst of so many tragedies?" In our simplicity of reasoning, we try to question Him about why so many corrupt things are happening in the world. We ask ourselves, and others, why God is so upright that He does not intervene, and we end up having doubts about whether He is virtuous or not.
What a pretension of ours it is to want to judge the Actions of God according to our law and our morals: We still try to have our reason superimposed upon His reasons. Let us see what God speaks through the prophet Isaiah (Is 55: 8): “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
Once we understand that God's wisdom and justice are far greater than we can imagine and understand, we must believe that God loves us so much that he made us according to his likeness. In this, we are completely free. This means that we have the option of walking and doing what God has taught and wants us to do or go in the opposite direction. Many reject the Creator to live his/her own ways. This directly impacts many of these misfortunes.
Incidents and tragedies like the one that happened in Beirut happen. Let's keep the faith that the truth and good will find their right place. This is the time to pray: When disasters happen, when fear takes over your mind, prayer helps. Do not be discouraged. Every place belongs to the Lord. Keep your faith and see what you can do for the people around you. Be grateful for the lives that have been saved. And for those who have lost their lives, pray for the peace of their souls and their families. Let God give you the strength to overcome this tragedy.
May this tragedy not be repeated anywhere in the world because of human negligence. Amen.