Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary - Qatar
Updated: Oct 8, 2020
Loneliness is a familiar theme here in Qatar. Many of the people living in Doha (over 2 million, in fact!) are not from this place. That means that the majority of the population are living in a city that is far away from their spouses, children, extended family members, and friends. It is not unusual for people to feel sad, even depressed, as well as hopeless and isolated in their situation. Despite the sense of belonging we may find in social or special interest groups, we often find ourselves feeling lonely. That is worth reflecting on, considering the fact that we are actually never alone!
When we consider that God is our Father and Jesus is our Good Shepherd, we can rest assured that we always have a faithful companion through the good times and the bad. Anytime we feel like we are on our own, we just have to turn to the Word for reassurance. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God says: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God (Is 41:10). Nothing is impossible for God, and He waits patiently for us to turn to Him to ask for help. He is always ready to be our confidante, our advisor, our consoler, our champion, our cheerleader, and our true friend. He calls us to have faith that even when we can’t hear His voice, He is always there with us. Jesus confirmed this as fact when he told his followers: “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20).

Why, then, do we sometimes feel lonely? It could be that we are relying on the people and things of this world to complete us, instead of our relationship with God: If I have a husband/wife/children, then I will feel happy. If I have lots of friends around me, then I will feel complete. If I have a good job, then I will feel worthy. If I am with people who think/feel the way I do, then I will feel supported. The truth is that only our relationship with God can give us complete satisfaction. He will never let us down, and He will always be there to listen. If we are feeling lonely in His presence, then it’s probably because we haven’t tried to talk to Him in awhile. Either that, or we are doing things that have ultimately separated us from Him.
Attention!: The Devil’s sole purpose is to isolate us from God’s love. His favourite way to do this is to isolate us from everyone, and everything, that reminds us that God is with us. When we feel isolated, we are vulnerable to the wrong voices. That’s when we need to push back and turn to God’s Word to refute any, and all, evil lies. The knowledge that we are not alone will protect us, and it is only through communion with God that we can find peace and joy on earth, even during difficult times.
Challenge: Carve out some time each day this week to have an honest conversation with God about how you are feeling in light of your current situation. Offer any feelings of loneliness or isolation up to Him. Just because things aren’t going the way you had planned doesn’t mean He isn’t listening. Ask for the grace to trust in the purpose these events have in your life and to trust in His perfect plan for you.
May God grant you peace of mind and heart this week in the knowledge that you are truly loved!