Confirmation gives us again, and in a special way, the gift of the Holy Spirit. Baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, we are able to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist, the last Sacrament of the Christian Initiation
In the Sacrament of Confirmation the Apostles and the Bishops, who are the successors, hand on to the baptized the special gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ the Lord and poured out upon the apostles at Pentecost.
The believers are strengthened by the power from heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and bound more closely to the Church. This is stated by the Congregation for Divine Worship in its introduction to the renewed Rite of Confirmation
Certificate of Baptism
Certificate of First Holy Communion
Two (2) consecutive years of attendance and enrollment to catechism classes
Parent's Church Marriage Certificate
Registration fee
Please visit our page about Adult Initiation.